Step SEO Audit Process To Boost Your Google Rankings

The basic purpose of SEO audit is to check whether the site is technically correct, or whether the search engine is recognising it and its pages. Hence, the first step of any SEO audit process is to check whether the site is being indexed. This is important because a site remains unread by the search engine if it is not being indexed.
No SEO technique is going to work if the site is not getting indexed. Naturally, no chance of ranking is there if the search engine does not identify the site. Checking the indexing of a site is not a cake walk. One should trust only the top SEO Company in India to conduct a proper SEO auditing or indexing that can give you complete report in this regard.
Is your site being indexed?
Indexing in basic terms can be understood as a page-by-page approach. It means here the search engine goes through pages one after the others. The swiftest way of checking a page whether the search engine is indexing it is to search “site: domain name” through Google. For example, if your site name is, search “site: and you can find the complete list of pages Google has indexed those. Otherwise, you can enter a specific page or its URL to check whether it has been indexed.
Primary reasons behind a site not getting indexed
The foremost reason for which a site or page doesn’t get indexed is related to the meta robots tag that is used on the page. Also, flawed use of disallowing in the robots.txt file is also another reason behind a site or a page not getting indexed.It is important to understand that the on-page meta tag and the robots.txt file are the key components as these instruct Google or search engine indexing robots about the concerned page and its contents.
Robots meta tag and robots.txt files can be distinguished from each other as robots meta tag is pretty much page specific. On the other hand, robots.txt files instruct the search engine about the entire site. However, one can distinguish the individual pages, directories, and the way the search engine indexing robots should understand these pages through the robots.txt file.
Importance of Robots.txt
It is important to ensure while doing SEO audit that the concerned site uses a robots.txt file. Well, anyone can check these things by simply putting a domain name through a browser along with “/robots.txt.”
Here is an example using (
Also, Google Search Console too is having an incredible tool called a robot. Text Tester. This tool is distinguishing among others as it helps in spotting the errors associated with robots file. One can also test a specific URL of a domain through the bar through the search bar at the end to check whether the robots file at its current state is huddling the bots of Google.
Here if the page or any directory is not permitted, it marks its presence post Disallow: in the robots file. You can also check whether the specific page you have disallowed from getting indexed is getting indexed or not.
Very crucial Robots meta tag from SEO perspective
The robots meta tag is another significant way of checking indexing. This robots meta tag os put within the header section of the page. However, it is not essential to add a meta tag to the entire landing pages within the landing page section, or within /lp/ to avoid Google from indexing the specific page you wish.
However, the robots meta tag can also be used to let the search engine know about the links on a page; those should not be used for search engine point of view. For example, if there is an advertising link and you don’t want it to be used from SEO perspective, you can do it through robot meta tag.
On this context, you have to choose between nofollow/follow to decide whether it should be read or not. When you go with Index follow, the search engine automatically gets to know that it should read the contents or the page should get indexed. Similarly, the no follow is to restrict the search engine from indexing or recognising the content of the specific page.
Let every corner of the site noticed through XML sitemaps
Upon adding a new page on a site, it is obvious that you wish the search engine should index it sooner as possible. XML sitemap or eXtensiblemarkup language is used for this purpose, or to make it registered with the search engine.
In fact, XML sitemaps provide the search engine with the complete list of pages on your website to be indexed. This listing plays a crucial role in the sites those produce rigorous contents. This is so as when a new post is added that doesn’t usually have inbound links that are directed towards it, still making it difficult for the search engine robots to pass through the link to get that content.
Hence, it is advised to go with the CMS having native XML sitemap, or you may have it through a plugin. Those use WordPress can find Yoast SEO Plugin relevant in this context. Moreover, one should registerthe XML sitemap with Google Search Console. Interesting here is to note that content or a post can get indexed within only 8 seconds. In short, it can get indexed much quicker than you have imagined.
JavaScript and AJAX
JavaScript started playing a crucial role post-Google declared that it has started executing JavaScript and indexing specific dynamic elements. But, Google certainly doesn’t execute and index the entire JavaScript. On this context, one can be benefitted through Fetch and Render tool within Google Search Console, using which one can know whether Google robot or Google bot is managing to view your post in JavaScript.
Some sites also make use of AJAX, i.e. asynchronous JavaScript and XML, for better linking or indexing of the page. This can also help in letting you know whether Google bot is not indexing certain pages. Especially, it is crucial pages those do possess numerous subpages.